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Upload Photos from you Mobile directly to Internet Upload photos from your symbian based Nokia 7650/3650/3660/6600/7610 Siemens SX1 and probably any symbian phone You can surprise your friends. The moment you take photo, you can publish it online by the help of You must have GPRS Connection enabled on you mobile phone. Contact your mobile service provider for activating your GPRS connection. 1) Register with truefoto 2) Configuring your nokia 7650/3650 1) Go to program "Images" -> Options -> Image uploader -> Settings -> Image servers -> Options -> New image server Image server name: TrueFoto Access point in use: Choose your GPRS access point (make sure it's not wap) User name: enter your registered username Password: enter your password, from welcome email URL address: Auto folder naming: Off 2) Go to back -> back -> Image server in use Choose TrueFoto 3) You are ready, now make a photo, go to Images, select photo, click Options -> Image uploader -> Upload Your phone will connect to our server and ask you about folder, choose "Public". 4) View your photo in the public photos Enjoy... The Photos will be uploaded into a subdomain of, something like, which you specify when you register with truefoto.